
November 2014: The Founding and Future of Sachsen Cider GmbH

Picture two guys, a beat up transporter, pic-nic baskets of food, lots of coffee, a borrowed Navi, and the gumption to drive across the breath of Germany within 24 hours and you have yourselves a road trip.

The goal to pick and return with a new to us (used Voran P2 Pack press and mill) to finish off the apples and cider for the 2014 Harvest – all this to avoid hand-grinding several thousand of kilos of apples.

We set off on the eve of Day Light Savings and despite, a Navi that kept taking us on all the back roads and phone calls like “Hi Katharina we’re lost”, headlights that kept going out every time we turned on the blinkers, a couple of hours of sleep at a truck stop, we arrived one hour early for our rendezvous and returned successfully with a lovely press just in time for the Guys on Monday morning to start work. At it is a beautiful press and it does everything the Guys at Voran advertise and more.

Thanks goes out to Eoin for his company, his stories and his time and you can find out more about Eoin and his wit and writings when you visit Eoin’s Corner and I think there was even an Eoin’s Cider but that is another story.

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